Saturday 20 March 2010

How it's going...

Ok, so making steady, but successful progress. Seems that I get more motivation at night, despite knowing I have a full day and night of working tomorrow from 11am. And it's stupid o'clock to be doing uni work now, but I have this burst of energy full of ideas and motivation. So here I am.

So this is what I am working on right now. Chapter 2 of my dissertation (although may change to be chapter 1) Which is studying fan culture, which will then be applied to how it relates to 'LOST' in my next chapter.

This is on my agenda (in no particular order);

  • Use examples of other huge fan cults, such as "Star Trek" and "Doctor Who"
  • Research into how fan culture was before availability of the internet
  • Research into current and modern forms of fandom e.g. fan sites and forums
  • Fan culture theories and scholars
  • Differences between "academics" and "The Fan"
  • Fan community and Hierarchy research
  • Fan culture "fantasy" and "reality"
  • Fan culture history
  • Fan culture in TV
Only got 226 words written on this chapter so far, but on a role, so lets hope I can reach 1,000 tonight!

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